Posted in Faith, fear, God

Fear and Faith

Can fear and faith co-exist? I keep reading that if I have true faith then I won’t be afraid. Does my fear mean I don’t have faith? I pray. I meditate on God’s word. I listen for His voice and hear nothing. A new town means a new church and I feel lost trying to find the place I am supposed to be.

I read about how God provides. There are many amazing stories of ways God provides for those in need. But we also know that there are millions who still go hungry, have no home, no job, and can’t see anyway up and out of the fear regardless of their faith.

I know God never promised an easy life. He just promised to always be with me. I am currently in the midst of a trial and it has been going on for several years. I am still unemployed, alone, friendless. What I have won’t last much longer. I am afraid. I admit it. I keep praying for more faith to chase away my fear but my fear remains. I see God working in other people’s lives and then wonder will He remember me or are my problems too trivial?

My fear and faith are co-existing right now and battling it out. I want my faith to win. I want to truly believe God hasn’t forgotten me and my fears and my needs.


I am always learning something new about life. My life is made richer by friends, family, travel, experiences, books and hobbies.

One thought on “Fear and Faith

  1. Of course you can have faith and be afraid! Sometimes faith means moving forward in spite of the fear. Remember though, that fear does not come from God (2 Tim 1:7), it comes from someone else who wants you to be fearful. Keep meditating on that scripture, keep praying, pray the scripture; say it out loud. Sometimes God speaks to us in ways that we don’t expect. Keep looking and listening, and while you’re looking and listening, expect an answer. In Mark 11:24, Jesus said that when you ask God for something, you should “believe that you have received it”. Notice that he doesn’t say to believe that you will receive it, but that you already have! Believing like that takes practice!
    Oh, and by the way, You aren’t alone! 🙂


Penny for your thoughts